What happens when you mix a lifelong Star Trek fan with the announcement that Netflix will start streaming all of the Star Trek TV series on-demand, PLUS top it all off with a, shall we say, not-so-demanding employment schedule???
Answer: Daryl Strawberry!
Ok, that might be nonsensical, however any first blog post must pay homage to Daryl Strawberry somehow, someway. It's part of the secret code. Oh yes. Don't question me on that.
In this day and age, it's become something of a right-of-passage for every self-respecting Trekkie to try and watch every episode from every TV series in sequence. It's a badge of honor. A sign of credibility. Or, depending on your perception, complete lunacy. Whatever. Bottom line is I'm very excited to devote way too much of my life over the next several months to this quest in pursuit of true personal achievement. Anyone can get a PhD. Not everyone can do something that is genuinely worthy.
You are graciously invited to share in this quest with me. Truth be told, I wanted to try and watch every episode of every TV series in sequence anyway, so this blog is just gravy. Worst case scenario... I kick ass, and Google archives my reviews for the next millenium.
Not too shabby.