Episode 18: The Squire of Gothos

Stardate: 2124.5

Quick Summary: While approaching an unrecorded planet in the Star Desert, Sulu and Kirk vanish off the bridge into thin air. A landing party is sent down and not only do they find Sulu and Kirk frozen like waxwork figures, but also a 16th century scene complete with a decked-out General Trulane playing the piano like Beethoven. Trulane appears to be an all-powerful figure, holding the crew and the ship hostage, seemingly able to do whatever he wants at will. However, it soons becomes apparent that he's prone to immaturity and temper-tantrums, thus Kirk coaxes him into a swordfight and subsequent chase, only to have Trulane eventually reprimanded by his parents - two energy blobs - who apologize for indulging Trulane too much and allow the ship to continue on its way.

Review: Trulane is convincing and well-acted; we really can't tell the source of his power, lending the episode some welcome unpredictability. Just when you think the Enterprise has gotten away, the entire planet of Gothos itself comes hurtling fast on a collision course with the ship, forcing Kirk to stand trial and be sentenced to death by hanging. This is great stuff!

The finale where the two energy blob parents mystically appear and scold their spoiled child, telling him to "come inside" and that he won't be allowed to create planets anymore, doesn't seem to fit with the earlier storyline about how a machine behind the mirror is producing Trulane's powers. But whatevs. Evil machinations pulling the strings behind a magic curtain is too Wizard-of-Oz anyway, and entirely played out. I was glad the plot pivoted course.

Not much else going on here. Trulane's character was the clear highlight.

Review: 3 stars

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